CASE STUDY - This whole campaign was donated to a great cause, Rigs & Reefs Classic Spearfishing Tournament. This one of a kind tournament was founded by 20-year retired surfman, David Ramsey. All of the proceeds were donated to OATH (Outdoor Association for True Heroes), whose main focus is to help those affected by war, from military members to their immediate family members. This campaign started with the logo design, which features the legal gun to spearfish.

The whole purpose of the campaign is to bring in more donations to the tournament to be able to donate more to families in need. The billboard designs were aimed to get the attention of the older veterans from the Vietnam era, as well as the younger generation of Iraq, and Afghanistan veterans. While conversating with David Ramsey, I notice he kept mentioning "Blue Water Healing," this is where the tagline "Deep Waters, Deeper Healing" was born. Ramsey gets therapy out of spearfishing, and he wants to share the experience with other veterans alike, as well as help with donations.

Prints Ads were also part of the campaign. Various sizes were designed to be able to promote in different mediums. The tagline was repeated throughout all of the ads to let donors know what donating to this cause does to combat veterans, along with the website to donate at. From left to right, The testimonial from David Ramsey is a square ad, which can also be promoted on Instagram. Next is the half page ad, followed by the full page ads. Each ad portrayed veterans from different eras. Displayed beneath is the Instagram Story campaign. Again, showcasing vets from different war generations, and displaying a quote from each one. The option to "Swipe Up" or click on the bio link are both available form the story.

The infographic was by far the most fun to create. Doing all the research was very comforting and eye opening to what OATH does for veterans and their families. OATH has different outdoor teams including a fishing team, archery team, and a triathlon team. Focusing on programs such as the Battle Buddy, pairing deceased soldier's kids with a battle buddy from their old unit. Also Brother's Keeper, Fox Hole, and Leash Up.